Thursday, April 08, 2010

AO is back :)

Since we were out of town for Easter weekend, and have been a bit behind in consuming our bi-weekly produce, I opted to skip last week and start back this week.  Despite the fact that I still haven't used the red potatoes they brought me 3 weeks ago (yes, they've started to sprout, but I don't mind), I was excited for my next delivery.  And since I'm home on Spring Break this week, I actually got to meet the kind gentlemen who brought it to me :)
Above you can see the following bits of organic goodness:
  • 5 Navel oranges 
  • 5 Fuji apples
  • 3 Bartlett pears
  • 3 HUGE Russet potatoes
  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 4 bananas
  • 1 head of lettuce
  • approx 6 Rainbow carrots (which is where a lot of the leafy green comes from - they said to cut that off for better storage)
The varied colors of carrots might require an explanation for my somewhat skeptical hubby, but thankfully a snazzy article was posted to the Absolute Organics Facebook page not too long ago, which you can read here.  And the zucchini is already slated for dinner tonight with the red potatoes, as suggested in this Rosemary Red Potatoes recipe.
That is, if I can pick out the zucchini from the cukes...

Soli Deo Gloria


Nate and Molly said...

just out of curiosity, how much does that cost you? I recently heard of something similar here in Alabama but need to investigate to see if it would be worth it. Is it cheaper than buying regular produce? Or just cheaper than buying organic produce? (from the grocery store).

Justine said...

$30/box, though they have bigger sizes. I don't think it's cheaper than non-organic produce, though I think it's a good deal for organic. The biggest factor for me is that I'm committed to eating more fruits and veggies because they're coming to my door! Before, it was really easy for me to pick up 2 apples and a few bananas each week at the store because produce is so pricey. And I rarely bought organic, because it was even MORE expensive! So far, however, I've managed to keep the same budget and fit this in. It's "crazy" - when you're eating so many fruits and veggies, you really don't need as much of the other stuff!

Nate and Molly said...

that's an interesting concept! Kinda of like joining a gym not to save money necessarily but to force yourself to exercise! :) I will look into it for sure.

The Hines Family said...

I was SO sad to find out that they don't deliver to Monroe. :-(

Justine said...

Bummer! I would've thought they did. Sorry about that :(

The Hines Family said...

Well, they may deliver to parts of Monroe (I'm not sure)--but not to our subdivision. Oh, well! Maybe they will start soon! :-)