Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Marcal Small Steps Giveaway!

Yup... not me.  But Denise Sawyer over at Centsible Sawyer is doing a giveaway.  All you've got to do is type your name and e-address into her form to be entered to win the following (as per her website):

One lucky reader is going to win a TON of Marcal Small Steps products!
Prize Pack will include: Dinner Napkins, 180ct Napkin Drawstring Bag, Upright-80ct Facial Tissues144ct Facial,Single Roll Giant Towel1,000ct Bath4 ct bath 1000 ct3 roll Regular towel*subject to change for substitutions

I haven't tried any of these products yet, but they are on my list for this week.  I'm going to EarthFare tomorrow (hoping for a good freebie coupon - have you signed up yet?  let me know if you did!) to get 5% off my entire purchase as a teacher and to use the coupons to get free Marcal toilet paper.  I'd be thrilled to win though!

Soli Deo Gloria

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